A tragic work accident leaves a father of 8 dead. According to Hillsborough County FL Sheriff's Office he was operating a forklift, moving a steel beam that collided with a pile of beams nearby knocking the forklift back crushing Ricardo's body.
Crews worked to remove the beam off of the forklift but it was too late. The victims Family broke down as they arrived on the accident scene. The 51-year-old leaves behind 8 children, 17 grandchildren and one grandchild on the way.
The family questions whether this accident could have been prevented. "He told me, ya know, he used to have problems on his fork lift though, but um, I guess they fixed it," said his wife.
10 News reached out to OSHA to see if any other accidents have been reported at Infra-Metals. There has been 1 violation at this location involving a construction standard with a worker likely not wearing a vest. That fine was paid. OSHA will investigate this work related death.
Bio Clean Services provides workplace accident cleanup services in the Philadelphia, PA and surrounding areas. Every workplace or industrial accident scene requires specialized cleaning protocols by trained technicians familiar with blood, biohazard and other trauma scene cleanups.
Due to the increased potential for health compromises of other employees or the general public who may come in contact with a workplace accident scene, Bio Clean Services provides businesses with OSHA certified cleanup services.
If workplace accident scenes are not properly cleaned, the business or property owner may be liable for any dangerous health compromises that would arise from contact with an improperly cleaned trauma scene.
If you are a business owner or commercial property owner that leases to businesses it is imperative that you have a certified biohazard cleanup company in place in the event that you experience an accident or death in the workplace. Contact us for more information on how our team can help keep you safe and restore workplace accident scenes to a safe environment quickly.